Alaska Guided Hunts
with Art Andreis
Master Guide
Dall Sheep Hunting:
Trophy Hunts in the Interior
Currently, these hunts are conducted in Units 12 & 20. Of all the hunting in Alaska, physical conditioning plays the major roll in having a successful hunt. Most of our hunting is done at the 3500 to 6000 foot level and there's places the hiking is steep and rugged. We do take impressive full curl rams with heavy bases. The largest we've taken is 40+ inches, with the average between 35 and 38 inches.
Primarily, our hunting is conducted in drainages of the Alaska Range. We also hunt the (TMA) Tok Management Area, the (DCUA) Delta Control Use area and the Mount Harper Area. All these areas are managed for Trophy Quality Sheep, and large, mature Ram success is high. These hunts are all Drawing permit Hunts , which I encourage all clients to apply for.
Dall Sheep Permits
Apply For Permits With A&L
I will do the paperwork for you, and apply for three different areas. As a License Vendor for the state, I will both get your Hunting License and do the application. I will get the required info from you in order to apply. I begin this process in November, with a December 6th Deadline for Postmarking.
By late January we have the drawing-results and I notify you immediately. If drawn, I hand-pick the spots you will hunt in. These hunts are customized to fit your ability. If your young, physical and tough, or hunted sheep in the past, we may hunt where the terrain is rougher, though, generally, a hang-out for older, wiser, more mature Rams.
On the other hand, if you're older/ and/or less physical, I have areas where the terrain is easier to navigate and you'll see many more sheep, allowing for more opportunities to take a legal Ram.
All my hunts are set-up for you, the client, to provide you with the very best opportunity for success. These permits are hard to come by, and if you choose to hunt with us, you'll have a memorable hunt.
I can provide this service to you because my first hunt in this country was in 1974, giving me 30-plus-years to gain the intimate knowledge of these areas.
Why you should apply with A&L: