Alaska Guided Hunts

with Art Andreis

Master Guide

Trophy Caribou:

One of the north countries great sights


Until you've seen a huge bull caribou, trot across the tundra, head held high, with his snow white-cape outlined against an Autumn in full-colors, you have missed one of the north countries great sights.


Commencing the Fall of 2001 non-residents started hunting the 40-mile caribou herd. Our Main-Camp is located in the very heart of the 40-mile country, where this herd congregates. Our camp is located on a large plateau at 2700 feet. Traditionally, caribou like to travel high in open country so our base-camp is ideally located.


This country is primarily open tundra, scattered patches of spruce timber gradually fading out at the 3300 to 3500 foot level. Every spring, from the plateau camp we see thousands of cow caribou with their calves, as our camp location is central to their traditional range. In the fall, all surrounding hills are used by different sized caribou bands moving in/out and through the area.

Extremely Wary

Yet stupid and very curious


Caribou can be described as extremely wary, yet stupid and very curious. Sometimes they are very hard to get a shot at, yet easy to hunt. Actually, the only thing predictable about caribou is their unpredictability.


Once a bull has seen you and starts his head-held high trot, you can forget about getting closer. Years ago, in what I now call my youthful ignorance I actually would run to head-off a bull for a shot, always without success. It's kind of like trying to head-off a bird in flight. The most efficient way to hunt caribou is by letting them come to you, adjusting your position slightly as necessary, well down-wind, waiting for your shot. We're looking for bulls with full white capes over the shoulders. Ideally, a rounded, basket-like type of antlers with long, heavy main-beams, having at least two long back points. Long, well-developed bez-points and double brow-points with wide-brow-palms, make high scoring trophies.